Projects and publications

Ecosystem Accounting research & development projects in Syke

Kansallinen ekosysteemipalveluiden taloudellisen merkityksen arviointi (Suomen TEEB) (Syke) 2013-2014 (In Finnish only)

Towards ecosystem accounting based on innovations and insights on natural capital knowledge - FI-2017-ECOSYSTEM ACCOUNTS (Syke, Luke) 2017–2018

From existing environmental and economic data and models to experimental accounting of marine, freshwater and forest ecosystem services in Finland - 2018-FI-ECOSYSTEMS (Syke, Luke) 2018

  • Final report unpublished, draft available upon request.

Arctic Freshwater Capital in the Nordic Countries (Syke) 2016–2018

Mapping and Assessment for Integrated Ecosystem Accounting – MAIA (Syke, as part of consortium), 2018–2022

Novel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materials - 2019-FI-ENVECO (Syke, Luke) 2020–2021

From Marine Ecosystem Accounting to Integrated Governance for Sustainable Planning of Marine and Coastal Areas – MAREA (Syke) 2020–2022

Mereisten avainelinympäristöjen suojelu toiminnallisuudesta arvottamiseen – MERIAVAIN (Syke), 2018–2021 (in Finnish only)

Urban experimental ecosystem accounting pilot in the Nordic cities (Syke, NINA) 2021

Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and​ urban ecosystems and packaging materials – 2020-FI-ENVECOPACK (Syke, Luke) 2021–2023

Peer-reviewed publications on Ecosystem Accounting (Syke, Luke)

Lai, T.-Y., 2020. Valuing marine natural capital with multiple ecosystem services for ecosystem accounting by different valuation approaches (manuscript in doctoral dissertation). University of Helsinki

Lai, T.-Y., Salminen, J., Jäppinen, J.-P., Koljonen, S., Mononen, L., Nieminen, E., Vihervaara, P., Oinonen, S., 2018. Bridging the gap between ecosystem service indicators and ecosystem accounting in Finland. Ecological Modelling 377, 51–65.

Lankia, T., Neuvonen, M., Pouta, E., Sievänen, T., Torvelainen, J., 2020. Outdoor recreation in ecosystem service accounting: pilot accounts from Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 35, 186–197.

Mononen, L., Auvinen, A.-P., Ahokumpu, A.-L., Rönkä, M., Aarras, N., Tolvanen, H., Kamppinen, M., Viirret, E., Kumpula, T., Vihervaara, P., 2016. National ecosystem service indicators: Measures of social-ecological sustainability. Ecological Indicators, Developing and Applying Ecosystem Services Indicators in Decision-Support at Various Scales 61, 27–37.

Oinonen, S., Gronbaek, L., Laukkanen, M., Levontin, P., Lindroos, M., Nieminen, E., Parkkila, K., Pintassilgo, P., Pulkkinen, H., & Romakkaniemi, A. (2016). International Fisheries Management and Recreational Benefits: The Case of Baltic Salmon. Marine Resource Economics, 31(4), 433-451.

Salminen, J.M., Veiste, P.J., Koskiaho, J.T., Tikkanen, S., 2018. Improving data quality, applicability and transparency of national water accounts – A case study for Finland. Water Resources and Economics 24, 25–39.

Virtanen, E.A., Viitasalo, M., Lappalainen, J., Moilanen, A., 2018. Evaluation, Gap Analysis, and Potential Expansion of the Finnish Marine Protected Area Network. Front. Mar. Sci. 5.

Masters theses 

Arola, T. (2023).  Barriers and enablers of use of ecosystem accounting. MSc thesis, Master’s programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability, University of Helsinki.


Published 2023-04-12 at 15:16, updated 2023-10-12 at 9:30
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