Library and information service

The Information service of the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) compiles, maintains and distributes extensive information on environmental issues. The library has about 40,000 volumes, 25,000 electronic journals, 200 printed periodicals and environmental databases.

Customer service

We have moved to the Viikki Campus and our collections can be found in our reference library. There is no more a library hall for visitors. We ask Syke’s outside customers to arrange the appointment by email or by phone. Your will find the contact information of our information service on right frame.

Contact information

  • E-mail: [service=kirjasto, organisation=syke]
  • Visiting address: Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki
Published 2013-04-03 at 12:52, updated 2023-03-13 at 10:31
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