Archived news


  • New version of  the MUkit software published

ENVICAL SYKE has published measurement uncertainty estimation software aimed for chemical laboratories. Software can be downloaded for free of charge. Measurement uncertainty calculations are mainly based on approaches presented in Nordtest TR 537 guide. The software is now available also in Russian language.

In October 2013, a new test version of the MUkit software has been released, where the measurement uncertainty calculation may be carried out in addition to relative uncertainty also as absolute uncertainty. The absolute measurement uncertainty evaluation is recommended for particularly at low concentrations close to the limit of quantification. The relative measurement uncertainty evaluation is generally used for the optimum measurement range.

Additional information for software download.

  • Field analyser developed

SYKE has developed Secchi3000 field analyser, in which a standard mobile phone camera serves as an instrument for water quality measurements. ENVICAL SYKE has validated Secchi3000 for water turbidity measurements. For more information please download the poster about the Secchi3000 water turbidity analyser.

Published 2015-09-02 at 11:20, updated 2020-08-03 at 15:08
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