14-2024 Wastewater II
Content page
Published: 2024-09-26
Proftest Syke organize a proficiency test (PT) for the analysis of alkalinity, conductivity, colour, N NH4 , N NO2+NO3 , N tot , P PO4 , P tot , and pH in wastewaters.
The purpose of this pr...
Quality and laboratory services
Proficiency testing and intercalibration services
Current proficiency tests
14-2024 Wastewater II
Banks of fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances
Published: 2024-09-20
The study estimated the amounts of ozone depleting substances and climate- warming F-gases in used and decommisioned appliances and structures, i.e. ”gas banks”, as well as the emissions from them.
Research & development
Research and development projects
Banks of fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances
Knowledge co-production in science-intensive environmental disputes (JOINED)
Published: 2024-09-16
The importance of broadening the process of knowledge production to a diversity of participants and perspectives is widely recognized in sustainability studies addressing complex and contentious soci...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Knowledge co-production in science-intensive environmental disputes (JOINED)
13-2024 ORG
Content page
Published: 2024-09-04
Proftest Syke will organize a proficiency test (PT) for the laboratories conducting analysis of PAH and PCB compounds and oil hydrocarbons in contaminated soil.
The purpose of this proficiency ...
Quality and laboratory services
Proficiency testing and intercalibration services
Current proficiency tests
13-2024 ORG
12-2024 ZOO
Content page
Published: 2024-09-05
Proftest Syke will organize a macroinvertebrate taxonomic proficiency test (ZOO 12/2024) in November 2024 – January 2025. The test consists of three parts of which participants may select the tes...
Quality and laboratory services
Proficiency testing and intercalibration services
Current proficiency tests
12-2024 ZOO
Application of biological effects methods in monitoring and assessment of contaminants in the Baltic Sea (BEACON)
Published: 2023-03-13
The marine environment is exposed to a vast array of “legacy” and “emerging” contaminants in various combinations. When examined individually they rarely exceed acc...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Application of biological effects methods in monitoring and assessment of contaminants in the Baltic Sea (BEACON)
Responsibility and sustainable development
Content page
Published: 2022-06-03
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (look bigger picture ).
The operations of the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) are directly or indirectly related to most of the UN’s Sustainable D...
Syke Info
Responsibility and sustainable development
Nudging for climate - CLIMATE-NUDGE
Published: 2021-04-15
CLIMATE-NUDGE utilizes knowledge from behavioural sciences, especially nudging, in planning choice architecture to help communities and individuals choose environmentall...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Nudging for climate - CLIMATE-NUDGE
09-2024 Drinking water analyses
Content page
Published: 2024-06-12
Proftest Syke will organize a proficiency test (PT) for the analysis of COD Mn , Fe, Mn, chloride, fluoride, sulphate, pH, conductivity, NH 4 , NO 2 , NO 3 , Ca, K, Mg, Na, and hardness in dri...
Quality and laboratory services
Proficiency testing and intercalibration services
Current proficiency tests
09-2024 Drinking water analyses
Clay-soil phosphorus kinetics in lake and brackish systems (CLAPSOIL)
Published: 2024-06-10
To achieve a good state of aquatic environments, reducing the agricultural phosphorus load is needed. However, the recent environmental protection policies do not necessarily take into account the di...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Clay-soil phosphorus kinetics in lake and brackish systems (CLAPSOIL)
Seabed nutrient trapping with dredged glacial clays (CLAYTRAP)
Published: 2024-06-10
The management of nutrient stocks on the seabed is a challenge in the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. The aim of the CLAYTRAP project is to demonstrate that glacial clay found on the seabed is able ...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Seabed nutrient trapping with dredged glacial clays (CLAYTRAP)
08-2014 Calorific values
Content page
Published: 2024-06-10
Proftest Syke will organize a proficiency test (PT) for the analysis of gross and net calorific value of solid fuels.
The purpose of this proficiency test is to ensure the comparability and ...
Quality and laboratory services
Proficiency testing and intercalibration services
Current proficiency tests
08-2014 Calorific values
Suvi Lehtoranta
Content page
Published: 2024-05-22
Group manager, senior research scientist
PhD (agriculture and forestry)
Contact information:
Email: firstname.lastname@syke.fi
Tel. +358 295 251 362......
Suvi Lehtoranta
Digital Waters Flagship (DIWA) & Doctoral education pilot
Published: 2024-03-11
Figure 1. The DIWA co-operation, societal and economic impact (left) with the HYDRO-RI Platform infra with autonomous and remotely controlled survey and measuring platforms for studying hydrologi...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Digital Waters Flagship (DIWA) & Doctoral education pilot
Content page
Published: 2024-01-30
Poll on BSR Pharma activities in 2024
Baltic Sea Pharma Platform (BSR Pharma) aims to disseminate current knowledge and information on pharmaceuticals in the environment, focusing on eff...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Baltic Sea Pharma Platform (BSR Pharma)
Accelerating residential around-the-clock clean electricity consumption through hard and soft policies (ALLTIME)
Published: 2023-11-13
The objective of this project is to speed up the transition of the electricity system to be completely carbon-free in a cost-effective manner. Green energy transition highlights the need to switch to...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Accelerating residential around-the-clock clean electricity consumption through hard and soft policies (ALLTIME)
The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)
Published: 2023-04-21
The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI) project takes the next step after the GEOSTAT 4 project by adapting the GSGF Europe to the Finnish contex...
Research & development
Research and development projects
The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)
Content page
Published: 2023-04-20
EU legislation to reduce the risk of pharmaceuticals in the environment
Lauri Äystö, Finnish Environment Institute, lauri.aysto(at)syke.fi;
Noora Perkola, Finnish Environment...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Baltic Sea Pharma Platform (BSR Pharma)
Ecosystem Accounting
Content page
Published: 2023-04-12
Ecosystem Accounting infographic. Download a large file (png) from here . © Syke
Objective and Benefits of Ecosystem Accounts
Efforts to promote social and economic well-being ...
Ecosystem Accounting
The key questions of plastics recycling (Muoviavain)
Published: 2023-03-29
The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and ResourceLoop Oy will together study the current status and future perspectives of plastics recycling and markets of secondary plastics in Finland. The st...
Research & development
Research and development projects
The key questions of plastics recycling (Muoviavain)