Press releases

Latest press releases

  • Finnish Ecosystem Observatory makes nature data accessible to all 2024-04-22
    The significance of nature data in society has grown significantly in recent years, as decision-making often requires more accurate, up-to-date, and diverse information about nature. The Finnish Ecosystem Observatory project has responded to society's information needs by, for example, building the Finnish Nature Information Hub website. In addition, a group bringing together different organisations has been established to coordinate nature information.
  • Baltic Sea winter monitoring cruise: phosphate content reaches record levels 2024-04-10
    The annual winter monitoring cruise of the marine research vessel Aranda revealed that the oxygen problems of the main basin of the Baltic Sea continue and that phosphate levels in the surface layer have increased. The oxygen situation in the Gulf of Finland was relatively good, but the phosphate level in the surface layer was higher than at any time in the past 30 years. Nutrient levels were also higher than usual in the Archipelago Sea.
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Published 2013-06-04 at 15:40, updated 2024-01-04 at 8:50
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