Annika Lonkila

© Saara Sivonen

Senior Research Scientist


PhD (Environmental policy), University of Eastern Finland
LL.M., University of Helsinki

Contact information

Tel: +358 295 252 032
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Societal change
Just transformation
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki

Google Scholar


I explore the just transformation towards more sustainable systems and policy measures guiding the way. My work focuses mostly on the food system, where I have studied the transition potential of plant-based food, farmers' role in the food system transition, ethics and politics of livestock breeding, and peatland politics.

Questions of justice, especially in regard to more just and equal multispecies relations, are at the core of my research interests. Theoretically I draw from the research traditions of Science and Technology Studies and Sustainability Transitions scholarship.

I also do legal research, for example related to novel protein sources and conflict management in the land use sector. 

Research projects

Latest publications

Published 2021-10-05 at 15:43, updated 2023-06-20 at 9:39

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