Water in circular economy

As a system, circular economy aims at resolving global, regional and local sustainability issues of which availability of clean fresh water is of great essence.

Click picture to open larger image.  Water smart infographic (pdf, 408 KB)

In water-smart circular economy, water is used in an efficient manner and its losses upon use are minimized. Substances dissolved in and energy bound to water upon its use are recovered and returned into circulation. Risks posed to waters by solutions in circular economy are managed and the human pressures onto surface and ground water ecosystems are relieved.

To tackle water-related sustainability issues, patterns of consumption and private and public procurement play an essential role.

The solutions in water-smart circular economy manifest following principles and themes:

  • reduction of leakages in water use
  • reduction of inefficiencies in water use
  • recovery of substances and energy from used water
  • water recycling and reuse.



Published 2018-01-02 at 9:57, updated 2020-10-22 at 10:08

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