José Cano Bernal

José Cano Bernal

Researcher / PhD Candidate

MSc in Environmental Sciences

Phone: +358 40 1823254

Finnish Environment Institute SYKE)
Biodiversity Centre
Functions of Ecosystems
Address: Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland



IBC-Carbon (The Integrated Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Sequestration in the Changing Environment), Strategic Research Council.

Freshabit LIFE IP (Towards Integrated Management of Freshwater Natura 2000 Sites and Habitats), EU LIFE IP.

SysteemiHiili (Comprehensive assessment of climate measures in catchments - with system analysis towards carbon-neutral land use), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Former projects

ORANKI (Orgaaninen aines maaperän tuottokyvyn kulmakivenä).

MARS (Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources und multiple Stress), EU FP7.

N-SINK  (Reduction of waste water nitrogen load: demonstrations and modelling), EU LIFE+.

BERAS Implementation (Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society Implementation), EU Baltic Sea Region Programme. 

MYTVAS (Maatalouden ympäristötuen vaikutusten seuranta) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Ministry of the Environment



Published 2017-10-02 at 15:38, updated 2021-06-23 at 9:10

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