Public Participation in Environmental Aspects in ASEM Countries

Project Description

Within the First Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM I) in Bangkok the importance of the cooperation in environment in the ASEM context was acknowledged. During the ASEM II in London an Asia-Europe Environmental Technology Centre (AEETC) was formed to Bangkok. One of the four topic areas of the AEETC was Participation of the Public in Environmental Aspects. This resulted a three year project "Public participation in environmental aspects in ASEM countries".

This AEETC-coordinated project  was implemented by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the Thailand Environment Institute. The general purpose of the project was to contribute to the development of public involvement within the ASEM-region. The project was carried out in 2000-2002 but the enhancement of public participation in the ASEM context has been since continued.

The project has three outcomes

1. The political process and final document

2. Reports
  • Public involvement in environmental issues in the ASEM - background and over-view (pdf, 796 kt) (Asia-Europe Environmental Technology Centre, AEETC);
  • Hildén, M., Furman, E. 2002. Towards good practices for public participation in the Asia-Europe meeting process. In: Bruch, C. (ed.). The new  "public". The globalization of public participation. Washington, Environmental Law Institute. P. 137-146. ISBN 1-58576-C14-2.
3. Networking opportunities
  • The project was lauched in June 2000 during a Workshop in Hong Kong on Public Involvement in Development projects;
  • A seminar: Asia-Europe Dialogue on Public Participation and Environmental Decision Making was organised January 14-15, 2002, in Beijing, China, side by side with the ASEM Environmental Minister Meeting;
  • An International AEETC Conference on ASEM Conference on Public Participation was organised in June 2002, Bangkok;
  • A Seminar on public participation in environmental issues was organised in Hanoi, Vietnam in September 2002.

Additional Information

Dr. Eeva Furman, Director, Environmental Policy Centre, Finnish Environment Institute

Thailand Environment Institute

Published 2013-04-17 at 13:41, updated 2023-07-25 at 16:42

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