Development of a National Environmental Monitoring System (RANSMO), Bosnia&Herzegovina

Project Description

The project had the following principal tasks:

  1. To assist BiH in setting up an environmental monitoring and reporting system, in line with the European Environmental Information and Observation Network (EIONET);
  2. To strengthen the capacities of environmental professionals involved in developing and operating the system;
  3. To initiate a cost effective and practical monitoring activity, contributing to an identified priority monitoring topic.

Services provided by SYKE:

  • Development of institutional arrangements (for sharing and harmonizing environmental monitoring, data collection and transfer, consolidation, reporting and dissemination);
  • Evaluation of relations among institutes involved in monitoring (legal aspects); development of terms of references for different stakeholders involved in monitoring; establishment of regulatory responsibilities and duties among institutes involved in monitoring;
  • Support in technical arrangements for monitoring (obtaining coherent system from technical point of view);
  • Compilation of the methodological handbook (quality assurance/quality control issues);
  • Facilitating dissemination of know-how throughout the monitoring community;
  • Development of Memorandums of Understanding to be agreed by the beneficiaries and the concerned stakeholders.

In addition SYKE provided the project with several short-term experts e.g. in the following fields: biodiversity, waste, soil, air.

More information:

Ms Kati Pritsi, Project Coordinator, International Affairs Unit, Finnish Environment Institute

Published 2013-04-12 at 11:17, updated 2023-07-25 at 16:36

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