Carbon Game is On! – Rules for Carbon Neutrality

Carbon neutrality has become widely established in companies’ public relations, media and public debate albeit its content and scope varies a lot. Despite the guidance provided by authorities as well as private companies, the term carbon neutrality is still often defined by a common usage as there are no internationally accepted rules for using the claim of carbon neutrality.

As understood in the literature, carbon neutrality means zero net greenhouse gas emissions to atmosphere, and it can be achieved by measuring emissions, reducing them as much as possible and compensating the residual emissions. However, the lack of transparency, especially in outlining the organizational boundaries and main indirect emissions, measurement of emissions, efforts to achieve internal emission reductions, and the type of offsetting for residual emissions, have all affected the credibility of carbon neutrality claims. Nevertheless, it is of great importance to the companies’ public relations and reputation. In practice, carbon neutrality is often seen as inspirer to new business.

This project aimed at clarifying the rules of the usage of carbon neutrality and highlighted some best practices. The concrete tools, examples and possibilities of carbon neutrality to business were discussed by Finnish companies in a workshop organized by Sitra (15.4.2015).


Published 2015-06-05 at 14:06, updated 2023-03-21 at 14:02