Involvement of stakeholders (WP5) 

An End-User Core Group has been established connected to the research project. This Core Group includes 10 end-users and it consists of representatives from international, governmental and private organizations from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden. The main function of this group is to work closely together with the project team in developing questions for the broader group of stakeholders and policy makers that will be used in the interviews supporting the work of WP1 and WP3. Finally, the Core Group will be invited to give feedback to the research team on other research activities such as defining the most needed decision support tools.

A larger group of experts and other end-users and policy makers as well as DST hosts are also contacted. The project team aims at involving them through questionnaires and interviews.

Published 2019-03-15 at 15:21, updated 2019-03-15 at 15:21